What To Expect

If you attend a service for the first time, please know:

Your Arrival: 
You will not have a hard time finding a parking spot, and there are no stairs or elevators in the building. You will be greeted, thanked for attending, given a small gift for joining us, and handed a card on which you may provide any contact information you’re comfortable providing. There will likely be several individuals who will introduce themselves to you, to ensure that you’ve received a warm welcome. If you have children with you, someone will be glad to show them to their class, but you are certainly free to keep them with you! 

The Service:
You won’t be singled out, asked to speak, asked to sing a solo, asked to lead in prayer, put on the spot, or otherwise embarrassed. We will sing a few congregational songs from the hymn book; you will not see, hear, or find a drum set or electric guitars, nor any dancing. Most of those in attendance will have their own Bible with them, so they can follow along with the preaching. If you don’t have a Bible, we’d be happy to give you one. If you bring a version other than the King James, it will not be confiscated and you will not be confronted, but the words you see on the page will be different from those studied and discussed; to avoid this confusion, bringing the KJV is recommended. There will be no speaking in tongues, snake handling, “holy rolling,” or any such foolishness. The service will last approximately 60-75 minutes, and will proceed in an orderly fashion.

Your Appearance: 
Many who attend our services dress on the formal side; suit, tie, dress shirt for men, modest-length dresses and skirts for women. We encourage this, since we are meeting with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who is worthy of our respect and reverence! We do, however, understand that not everyone has such articles of clothing available to them, and those who dress more casually are not shamed or rebuked. For some, the best they have would be considered “business casual,” which is perfectly acceptable as well. 

October 5, 2013